ARCHIVED: At IUB, how do I turn my call waiting Caller ID display on or off?

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At Indiana University Bloomington, you can choose whether or not call waiting identification (Caller ID) is displayed on your single-line telephone. You can choose the same for each line of your two-line telephone.

To turn the call waiting display on or off for a single-line telephone

  1. Press the Set Options key.
  2. Press the Review key, and arrow up or down to the number 10, or press 1 and 0 to go directly to the item.
  3. Press * to turn the call waiting identification display on or off, and then press RLS.

To turn the call waiting display on or off for a two-line telephone

  1. Press the Set Options key.
  2. Press * to enter the options list.
  3. Use the arrow up/down key to scroll to select number 8, and then press 8.
  4. Press line 1 or 2 to select which line you want to change.
  5. Press * to turn the call waiting identification feature on, or press # to turn the feature off.

Note: Turning the call waiting identification display on or off does not turn the feature itself on or off. When the call waiting display is turned off, you will still hear the call waiting tone when a call waiting call comes in, but the identification information for the call waiting will not appear on your display.

This is document alxk in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 13:34:58.