Directions, maps, building codes, and parking information for IU campuses

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Driving directions

To get driving directions from your location to any of Indiana University's campuses, click the corresponding Google Maps links below, and then (in the top left) enter your address as the starting point (or click your location on the map).

Campus Address Google Maps link
IU Bloomington 107 S. Indiana Ave.
Bloomington, IN
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IU Indianapolis 420 University Blvd. Indianapolis, IN Get driving directions
IU Columbus 4601 Central Ave.
Columbus, IN
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IU East 2325 Chester Blvd.
Richmond, IN
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IU Fort Wayne Neff Hall 110
2101 E. Coliseum Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN
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IU Kokomo 2300 S. Washington St.
Kokomo, IN
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IU Northwest 3400 Broadway
Gary, IN
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IU South Bend 1700 Mishawaka Avenue
South Bend, IN
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IU Southeast 4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN
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For help using Google Maps, see Get directions and show routes in Google Maps Help.

Campus maps

Following are links to interactive Indiana University campus maps maintained by Capital Projects, which provide detailed information about parking, areas under construction, accessibility, and locations of emergency phones.

Building codes

The Office of Space Planning unit maintains the official IU building list (PDF), which lists all university-owned buildings (on every campus) in alphabetical order by building code. Where applicable, two-character codes also are noted; for example:

Bldg. Code 2 Char Code Bldg. Description Address
BL013A LV Student Legal Services 703 E 7th St
SB866 EA Education & Arts 1002 S Esther St

User your browser's Find utility to locate specific buildings (and their building codes) on the list.

Campus parking information

Each IU campus provides multiple permit parking locations for students, staff, and faculty. Parking permits for most campuses can be purchased through the IU Parking Portal. Pay lots and metered spaces are available for visitors. Most parking locations offer ADA-accessible parking spots. Depending on the campus, you may need a permit to park your bicycle on campus.

See the following links for information about parking policies and locations at each IU campus:

Some IU campuses honor parking permits issued at other IU campuses. To find out where you can park with your permit at another IU campus, visit Intercampus Parking, and then select the campus you plan to visit from the provided menu. (If your permit type is not listed in the campus information you select, it is currently not accepted on that campus, and you will need to park in a visitor garage or metered spot.)

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Last modified on 2024-04-18 12:57:06.